Victoria Arduino Mythos One

The Mythos One is a coffee grinder that grants baristas consistency and control without sacrificing speed.


The Mythos One's most compelling feature is the new Clima Pro technology. Using powerful cooling fans and a heater, The Mythos One keeps a continuous internal temperature from early morning until it's to pack up shop.

75mm Flat Burrs — Titanium-coated steel burrs offer outstanding precision and a more prolonged lifespan than other flat burrs.

Micrometric Espresso Grinding —  Easily and quickly dial in your espresso recipe with the repeatable micrometric settings.

Clima Pro Technology — Heats and cools when appropriate to maintain a steady temperature from open to close.

LCD Display — Protly program grind and dose settings

Clump Crusher — Ingenious anti-clump screen and chute control grounds from sticking to each other.

Zero-Retention Chamber — Ground coffee directly into your portafilter, not your workbench.

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